Bp Hugh Gilbert

  • The Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady

    ‘The Almighty has done great things for me’ (Lk 1:49).  It’s good to have this feast. It’s good that it comes as summer comes to its climax and the harvest […]

  • 19th Sunday of Ordinary time

    Since I was last here, three things have happened. First, we heard that a new Archbishop of Edinburgh has been appointed. He is Mgr Leo Cushley. I met him at […]

  • 16th Sunday of Ordinary time

    What good readings the Liturgy gives us today! The hospitality of Abraham, St Paul telling the Colossians how God’s secret plan has now been revealed, Jesus entering the home of […]

  • Pastoral Letter for Corpus Christi

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today we are keeping the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. As part of the Year of Faith, there will be worldwide exposition of […]

  • Pentecost Sunday

    ‘They were all filled with the Holy Spirit’ (Acts 2:4). After Christmas and Easter comes Pentecost. ‘Today’, said St John Chrysostom, ‘we’ve reached the mountain-top of everything good; we’ve arrived […]

  • 5th Sunday of Easter

    Reflecting on today’s three readings, it struck me that the first is about faith, the second about hope, and the last (the Gospel), about charity / love. As bishop, I […]

  • Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Easter

    May I begin with some liturgical catechesis. This is a Sunday of many names. It is the 2nd Sunday of Easter. Easter is a season as well as a day. It’s […]

  • Easter Sunday homily

    Recently I was shown some re-tellings of the Easter story written by children in P2. One boy’s account was particularly accurate and vivid. On Easter Sunday morning, two ladies, he […]


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A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122