• Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for Easter Sunday

    Homily for Easter Sunday

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, happy Easter! Easter really is a happy thing. It’s the happy thing.  It’s the happiness that rescues every other happiness, be it great or small. Easter […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for Easter Vigil

    Homily for Easter Vigil

    “Come, Easter, come” said a poet (Vernon Watkins). Well, Easter is coming – here and now. Coming out of the dark of a long winter. Coming after much Lenten preparation. […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Light of the North – Easter 2024

    Light of the North – Easter 2024

    Welcome to the Easter issue of the Light of the North, the magazine of the Diocese of Aberdeen.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for Good Friday

    Homily for Good Friday

    Over the road, in Crown St, are some offices the homeless charity Shelter. Shelter – isn’t that what we’re seeking today, Good Friday? The shelter of divine charity.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for Maundy Thursday 2024

    Homily for Maundy Thursday 2024

    The Last Supper, and our Mass tonight, are intense and full of “stuff”; full of words and gestures, of old and new; so intimate and anguished all at once, desolate […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Chrism Mass

    Chrism Mass

    Today’s Mass stands out. It’s one of those diocesan occasions when the Church puts on her best clothes. Here we are, laity, religious, deacons, priests and a bishop. Here is […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for Palm Sunday

    Homily for Palm Sunday

    Do we love the Lord? We want to, surely. And why do we love him? I mean, why do I, you, each of us love him? Why are we bothered […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for the Solemnity of St Joseph

    Homily for the Solemnity of St Joseph

    Our Lord is not a lonely planet. He’s part of a galaxy, the heart of a galaxy, and many stars cluster round him. And of all who orbit the Lord, […]


RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122