• Homily for Paschal Vigil

    Peter ‘then went back home, amazed at what had happened’ (Lk 24:12) – the last phrase of the Gospel we’ve just heard. There is a lot happening here tonight, and […]

  • Homily for Good Friday

    ‘See, my servant will prosper, he shall be lifted up, exalted, rise to great heights’ (Is 52:12). ‘See’ is the first word of today’s first Reading. There is something very […]

  • Maundy Thursday

    The Jewish Passover, Jesus’ Last Supper, the washing of the disciples’ feet: those are our 3 readings tonight. Tonight Jesus begins his own Passover. Tonight he sets out to bring […]

  • Homily for Palm Sunday

    Here we are beginning Holy Week. Here we are going up to Jerusalem, with the Church throughout the world, with our new Pope, with those preparing for the Sacraments of […]

  • Homily for Chrism Mass

    There is a lot happening in tonight’s liturgy. Perhaps we can follow one of the leads the Liturgy gives and fly like migrating birds, away from the cold and the […]

  • Pastoral Letter for Sunday 17 March

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today we will all hear the name of our new Pope in the Eucharistic Prayer. We know it already: Francis. He is the first Pope to […]

  • 4th Sunday of Lent

    There is a lot going on today. The 4th Sunday of Lent is called Laetare Sunday, after the first word in Latin of the Entrance Antiphon. Laetare means ‘Rejoice’. Couldn’t we all do […]

  • 2nd Sunday of Lent

    We have just heard the Gospel of the Transfiguration. It has been the Gospel for the 2nd Sunday of Lent since at least the 5th century. Last Sunday we were in the […]


RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122